It all began by listening to mortgage brokers. We were conducting research and listened intently to the woes and challenges the mortgage market was throwing at brokers.

A market solution was needed.

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Discover Our Story

Who We Are

Broker Boost Initiative was not an idea based on a whim. It has been formed from listening - to brokers and other key people in the industry. Read our story.

The seed of an idea appeared like a Genie, after a few days’ brainstorming between Jeff Knight and Stephen Sandiford.
This seed of an idea then started to grow... conversations widened, with other brokers, lenders, trade bodies, publications, Networks and Clubs, to road-test the idea. The more we listened, the more we realised there was a need for something. The creative thinking process continued and that seed of an idea became the Broker Boost Initiative.

Broker Boost Initiative

It is about providing support and ideas to help mortgage brokers. Whether it is tips on running a business, some thoughts on entering new markets or to help increase mental energy, our task is to provide human and helpful thoughts.

We will not be providing content that talks about products. 

Our People

Ok, this was created and refined by Jeff Knight and Stephen Sandiford. But we needed to use the power of diversity of thought. Therefore, we reached out to some people who know a thing about being a broker, and these wonderful people have become part of our Steering Group, to make sure we deliver the right things at the right time.

Our Supporters

We have support from across the sector.  

Our Steering Group

To help steer Broker Boost Initiative in the right direction, we have set up a “Steering Group” of industry leaders, who will give us feedback and ideas to ensure the content and events we create continues to be human and helpful.

Want To Get Involved

Want to get involved? If you want do something that provides educational content and support to mortgage brokers, we would love to hear from you.

Contact or call him on 07900 807465.

The Steering Group

Get To Know Us

Meet our Steering Group of industry leaders

Jeff Knight

Founder of Broker Boost Initiative

Meet Jeff

Sarah Tucker

Founder & CEO of the Mortgage Mum

Meet Sarah

Stephen Sandiford

Industry Consultant

Meet Stephen

Liz Syms

CEO & Founder of Connect Mortgages & Connect for Intermediaries

Meet Liz

Andrew Montlake

Managing Director, Brand Evangelist & Spokesperson at Coreco

Meet Andrew

Rachel Geddes

Mortgage Adviser & Business Principal

Meet Rachel

Jane Simpson

Strategic Relationship Manager, L&G

Meet Jane

Our Values

What we Believe

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We are passionate about the mortgage market, passionate about mortgage brokers and passionate about helping you become more efficient and effective through our Broker Boost Initiative.


We work collaboratively with other companies and people in the mortgage industry to bring you fresh ideas and extra support.


We like to think a little different and come up with some fresh ideas of our own, ideas that make a difference.


We believe that we can keep learning, and room for personal and professional enhancements. We strive for the better good.